"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
Confession: we watch and love Battlestar Galactica. I know, it's an unlikely coupling; we have refused to acknowledge the SciFi channel for years as legitimate and worthy entertainment and come on, artificial intelligence, spaceships, and the Obnoxious use of the word "frak"???? But we love it anyway. So say we all. (An inside joke for all of you fellow SciFi nerds.)
I am shocked! I actually heard that show is awesome. We don't have cable so I can't tell. I do, however, really want to see the new Star Trek movie and I can't stand that show! You guys are too cute :)
I love sci-fi. we used to be big x-files fans. you're not alone.
so say we all.
(it's getting so intense, i love it)
Hi guys. Found you through mutual blog friends. Add us to the list of not-so-closeted sci-fi geeks.
The last time we visited BYU campus I actually ran across Mark's office in the humanities building. It's cool that we finally know some people on the other side of the desk. Hope you guys are well.
-Scott and Kristin
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