"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
Easter was lovely, no thanks to me. Be it known: I am terrible at holidays. I was born without a festive bone in my body. But thanks to my mother, who is nothing but a party, the girls did not go without. She helped them color the eggs, planned the dinner (grilled salmon, creamed potatoes and peas, salad, oranges and coconut, a little bubbly), brought out great-Nana's china, provided the baskets, and even the lawn and candy for the Easter egg hunt. But come on, I did bring homemade breadsticks and buttermilk pudding cakes. That's my kind of contribution.

Everyone looks beautiful (where are you?). Aren't grandmas wonderful? Who is the girl in the picture with your mom? She looks like a relative.
That's Cousin Lauren. We look related, don't we? Good eye.
Aren't Grams great?! Eleanor's looking so grown up!
Braces? What the . . . ? I am soo happy you are back. My life just got happier. Everyone looks great!
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