"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
Every Easter, without fail, Gramma sends us a package with delightfully predictable contents: new swimsuits for the girls and a fat box of See's chocolates for all of us to share, except for the brown sugar, scotchmallow, and mocha ones. Those are mine. The girls shed their clothes with rapid enthusiasm and held a spontaneous fashion show in the kitchen. How exactly does a 3, 5 and 7-yr-old learn to do that?! O, boy, are we in trouble....
Aren't grandparents great? Those suits are adorable!! And, who knows where they get that. Sometimes I think there is a stripper that must be teaching my girls some moves, because I know I don't dance in front of them like that (at least that I can remember... I try to be very good about hiding that kind of stuff ;)
Love, love, love the suits and I love your girls! Your pizza is too amazing for words . . . could you have Marco call Duane and talk him into a month of no flesh? He would take it from Mark, he poo poo's every one of my vegetarian suggestions.
I love love this,ada's face is perfect... love those girls! you and mark can take off to the weekend sometime so ada and i can have our sleepover! Love you guys!
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