"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
Last night for our Halloween Family Home Evening, we sat around the table and talked about the story of Peter walking on the water with Jesus. It's one of my favorites. I know Peter sinks, but at least he was out there, trying to follow his master, whereas everyone else stayed in the boat. And I know he gets scared, but sometimes doing the right thing all the time is a very hard thing to do, and absolutely impossible to do all on your own. That's the point I was trying to make anyway. And it's poignant to me that he calls out for Jesus in his distress, rather than sinking with stubbornness and pride, or exhaustion of trying to do the right thing. And immediately, Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him up out of the waves. Love it.
Anyway, after my rousing little message of Matthew 14:22-33, we made caramel apples. I've never done caramel apples. I should've followed the directions, but I made caramel apple lollipops instead, to make it easier on Eleanor's braces. The juice from the cut apple made for an interesting product, but they were yummy and devoured without complaint.

mmm mmm! Those look great! I think cutting them in half is a great idea because then you get twice as much caramel per apple!
What a good story to remember, too.
I love your FHE...that is great. and your girls are so beautiful!
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