So, we didn't make it to Spain or anywhere else we had daydreamed of going years ago, but in the end, it didn't matter. We've always been at our best with a pizza on the floor, shoulder to shoulder at midnight. We've shared ten years of sweet togetherness. I still watch the window expectantly every day, anxious for his return to me and ours. He's the perfect pairing to my somber, steady quiet. He's my happy place, the bright and constant in my life. Here's to another ten, baby! 

The Paris Bistro. That lovely, glowing corner on 15th. Huge windows on the street. The orange glow of candles and dark wood. The plush corner booth. Fresh goat cheese and red pears. Lamb shanks with rosemary and creamy polenta. Steak drowned in green peppercorn sauce and pommes frittes. Bananas foster and molten chocolate cake with housemade gelato. And all the while, Frank singing in the background.... 
And in the morning, we drove up Provo Canyon and brunched at Sundance's Foundry Grill: eggs benedict with spinach (my favorite), salmon and prime rib, cinnamon pancakes and bacon, a spread of pastries and baked goods, fresh fruit, and a whole table full of sweets: cobbler and bread pudding, vanilla bean tart and apple crostata, pink merringue cookies, handmade chocolates and truffles, and oh, those caramel cups. I mentioned to Mark on the drive, that it was appropriate the girls were with us, because although they're not aware of it now, not really, our marriage should give them as much to celebrate as it gives us. I've always believed that the best thing we could give our children was a happy marriage, and I hope we can continue to give them just that.

Congratulations, Ann and Mark! :)
Congratulations, you two. Truly a couple I admire so much. I hope the next ten are just as happy.
Brian wants to go to a Sundance brunch now. Unfortunately I could never put into words like you how I feel about 10 years of marriage. We're so happy for you guys. We can see your happiness when we're with you and your family and that's why we love being around you. Love you. Marci and Brian
Congratulations on ten wonderful years. You have a way with words that warms my heart for the two of you. Congrats!
my sincerest congratulations to you!
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