"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Group Effort

The white canvas of the baby's room intimidates me: it's hard for me to commit to anything and I'm not very confident in my stylizing skills. As for my little helpers, well, they've never been happier than when I handed them a paint brush and pointed them towards those blank walls.

And here's the bird mobile, or my best attempt, anyway, against the now martini olive walls. It was a group effort: the girls helped me gather sticks at the park, and Ada helped me choose the birds. She talked me into the nest and baby chickadees. And they had to name them of course: Bluebelle, Rapito, Pretty Daddy (that's Charlotte's contribution), and Brownie. I think we're missing one. This easy project took me 3 hours to complete because of the balancing act, so tricky. I don't have an engineer's brain. Anyway, we're on our way, I think. I should've started earlier though...I'm losing steam....


Amber said...

oh i like those birds! and i love that the girls are such a part of it. i understand the steam thing...i didn't expect to lose steam yet but i found myself puttering today in dance. gratefully the little girls don't seem to notice :)

eNJay & B said...

super cool. i love the mobile. where did you get the birds?

Emily said...

Cute Annie!

Marci and Brian said...

I love the color and mobile. I can't believe how quickly you actually got this done. You're a real go getter.

o charm said...

lovely!!! good work, it turned out great!
the balancing is so much harder than you think, isn't it? look back at inspiration one you posted-- imagine doing it that way!! i don't know how they did it . . .

Janell said...

I love the color and the mobile turned out great! Don't tell me you are not crafty!

Jen said...

Lookin' groovy! It'll be awesome.

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