"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Child's Prayer

So, a few afternoons ago, I was cuddling with Ada and Charlotte in bed watching TV. This is very normal, end-of-pregnancy behavior for me. Anyway, we were flipping through the channels and for whatever reason, I paused on Grey's Anatomy long enough that they saw some intern getting an epidural. Well, not in all its gory details, but enough that they were totally grossed out, squealing under the blankets. I told them that unfortunately, that's probably what will happen when Mommy has the baby. "Ew, gross!" And then we had our gagillianth conversation about how the baby comes out. They're girls. They're interested. Well, before I knew it, Ada was kneeling down on the side of the bed praying. I was touched. I thought she was praying for me, but no.
"Dear Heavenly Father, Please, please, please bless that I will never, ever, ever have any babies. Ever." She was serious.
Maybe I've been a little too forthcoming about where babies come from....


babushka said...

How I love that Ada D! Let me count the ways...

'Cole said...

Have to say, I agree with little Ada!!!

Kimberly Pace Henderson said...

So funny, she needs to just keep praying!!

o charm said...

happy birthday dear friend, and happy birthing!!!
will be thinking of you in the coming days and praying for the best. can't wait for the news!!1

Melin said...

she is wise!
and happy birthday!

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