"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Way to My Heart

It all began with Nigella's corn cakes in bed with real maple syrup--oh, the luxury. You know you're loved when you bite into homemade yumminess like those. And then lunch with a special friend--was that Camembert in the grilled cheese? It was divine goo. And those desserts--Amano chocolate bread pudding and buttermilk panna cotta with huckleberries. Still can't decide which one I liked better. And then he really did it, he actually brought out a plate of appetizers before dinner as I lounged on the couch reading a nonsensical celebrity magazine--appetizers!!!! Crostini with Tartufo cheese enhanced with black truffles and a special, hand-cured salami from Northern Italy. Followed by Mario Batali's Ziti with Tuscan-style Cauliflower and Pecorino. And I never lifted a finger. Not one.

And then, my Mom brought over the cutest little Red Velvet cake from the new bakery in town, real French buttercream and all. It was a dreamy 34th. Now if only that wish would come true....

Oh, wait, it did: my own personal chef, chauffeur, nanny and maid for the day.

Not just one,

but two pictures of me blowing out candles.


Ashley said...

Happy Birthday Ann! I'd say you were spoiled, and rightly so!

Emily said...

Well deserved Annie! You are lucky that you have such an amazing husband,kids, and mom that would pamper you! You are worth it!

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday. I have finally figured out the blog stuff...I was hoping for a baby on your birthday. Good luck and what a menu you enjoyed on your birthday!

eNJay & B said...

hey, happy belated bday. it sounds perfect. and so much good food. wow!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Babe!

Kimberly Pace Henderson said...

Wow. Duane is going to hate Mark's guts now after those superb deliveries! Now there is proof that he isn't as good as Marko.

Jordan said...

Wow. Mark. Wow.

And, sweet Ann, Happy Birthday to you.

Christina said...

Happy Birthday, Ann. I hope you enjoyed every moment. You deserve it. I've been thinking about you every day. Hope you're hanging in there.

Holly said...

Happy Birthday Ann! You should be that spoiled just because you are nine months pregnant! :)

Well done on Mark's part!

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