"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Like a Rug

The source of all our troubles.

Having a baby is a big adjustment and that is quite possibly the most ridiculous understatement I've ever made. It's like someone shakes out the rug of your life, everything goes flying and you just have to wait for everything to settle, except of course, it never settles in exactly the same way. It couldn't.

Well, we all react differently to this challenge and blessing. I go in to quiet survival mode, shoulder to the wheel. Mark does laundry, eats like a 12-yr-old and is allowed a few "5"s (his brothers will get that.) And the girls, well, their unrest results in a far more obvious, emotional conclusion.

This weekend, we found a note on the kitchen table:
"Me and Eleanor ran away don't look for us" -Eleanor and Ada
We found them down the street. Poor girls. It's hard, but a good hard, I'm convinced of it. Rugs are always better for the wear after a good shaking.


Christina said...

Ann, I completely understand what you're going through. Just hang on. That's all I've got for you. Is it bad that I think the girls' running away note is too cute?

Jen said...

I love the things kids say. I hope things work out for them. Take care.

Jordan said...

The rug. A perfect description of the event of bringing baby home.

Amber said...

my house is emotional as well. i keep telling my girls...love is unlimited and i love you still so much...but time and energy are things we have to share with each other and unfortunately the baby is requiring all of it right now. poor big sisters.

Kimberly Pace Henderson said...

I wish Ada and Eleanor could run away to my house for a while. Actually, what I really wish is that I was there to make you dinner and clean your house. The distance is such a bummer.

eNJay & B said...

having the rug lifted out from under you seems like an apt analogy--at least from my different perspective of getting a child.

o charm said...

oh, ann! hang on. . . you'll find that groove! everyone will. and the girls will always come home. just don't you go running away. . . :)
sending love from russia!!!

Jules said...

Congrats!! I've been a slacker on checking blogs recently. I'm impressed you've even posted with that little man! I loved reading your posts about being overdue. I'm three days away from the "due date," but I usually am late, too. WHY, why!?!?!?

Lisa Fox said...

I just found your blog...why didn't I know about this...you are an amazing writer. I see we follow similar paths...although I am on baby #5..AHHH!! I love your analogy of the rug. SO true. Your girls are just precious..I remember as a child *running away* many times..hahaha. one thing....PLEASE don't let things fester inside too long...talk to friends, and Mark..I've found that out the hard way before. but Congratulations he is a doll!

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