"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
There's just no getting around it: I'm sure I'll mess them up one way or another. They'll take issue eventually with something I did or didn't do as their mother. What will it be? My impatience, my sobriety and pessimism, the fact that I asked them to wash their hands more than I told them I loved them, that I'm not very affectionate, that I didn't allow sleepovers, Cheetos or play-doh, that I didn't do crafts or decorate for the holidays, or maybe they'll inherit my height or my short eyelashes and hate me for it?
But, I'll be quick to remind them that at least I gave them each other.
Good call AnnE. I wish I could be there with them. I've never even held Declan and he looks so adorable. I miss you all.
Hello relief -- another mom that doesn't do sleepovers (I've taken so much crap already from my daughters on that one) and is probably too sober. Or whatever the word was you used, something like that. I've always thought you were pretty dang cool, but all of a sudden I like you even more. Yes, yes, yes to your post.
What beautiful pictures, what a beautiful family and Amen to your sentiments - siblings are the greatest blessing and gift you can give them.
A beautiful post, and so TRUE!
Mostly they'll just realize that love comes in lots of forms, and your form is beautiful because it came from you.
darn you ann, you got me bawling on this one.
you are so awesome. hang in there girl. it will only get better and better.
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