"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
I'm liking Ada a lot right now,
and liking is such a strong word when it comes to your kids, I think. You always love them, but like.... Lately I've caught myself in moments with her when I feel like I'm with a great friend and not just my five-yr-old daughter: sharing the same favorite songs on the radio, watching her carefully straighten her cards during our tenth game of Old Maid, expressing sincere empathy when I lose, again, so grateful when she clears all the plates from dinner without being asked, and those things she says...."I want to make the world happy forever and help you so we can have a beautiful home and love you with our best family forever." She's a special girl. I love you, D. Go fish!
yes. it is all about liking.
and let's just say, sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not. so happy for your liking. it makes such a big difference in everything.
So sweet! I love those liking moments. They can make your day...even your week. I love having kids grow and change and learn, but sometimes I want them to never change!
Liking is sometimes difficult, but I love five years old! It's great and so much fun (a little more attitude, but overall wonderful)!
Thats so cute!!! It reminds me at Chrtistmas when she would say whatever I would because she'd say, "I am saying that because I love Amy and I want to make her happy!" I love that girl too, and like her!!
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