"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
I never would've guessed 17 years ago,
sandwiched between sweaty, adoring fans at my first Morrissey concert (Your Arsenal Tour, Arco Arena 1992), also my first taste of vodka accidentally showered over my head in someone's excitement, that one day a little blonde girl of my own would be singing a new song of his in the back of my mini-van. "He's my favorite singer, Mom." Go figure.His new album "Years of Refusal" is very good. So here's some oldies and new goodies on my playlist. Viva Morrissey!
Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree with taste for music :) What a great influence you are, dear AnnE :)
so funny. some years ago (pre-kids) i got to thinking, hey my kids should think i'm pretty hip for listening to morrissey, right?
and here i don't even listen to him anymore (love him as i always will!) -- i'm so proud of your girl.
and morrissey is coming here this summer! right when we are leaving for a trip. what are the chances??
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