"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
On Tuesday, I attented a forum by Dr. Martin Seligman, PhD, founder of Positive Psychology, a new branch of psychology which focuses on the empirical study of such things as positive emotions, strengths-based character, and healthy institutions. He's awesome. He has a very long list of accomplishments: he's been on the cover of TIME magazine, served as President of the American Psychological Association, author of numerous books, etc. Besides the simple luxery of sitting for an hour by myself, I was so impressed by his approach to mental health issues, which are very near and dear to my heart. As stated on his website, www.authentichappiness.org, "his research has demonstrated that it is possible to be happier — to feel more satisfied, to be more engaged with life, find more meaning, have higher hopes, and probably even laugh and smile more, regardless of one’s circumstances." Sounds good to me.Anyway, I went home and checked out his website and took some of his tests, of which there are many. The most interesting one was the Brief Strength Test. This is how I faired....
Top Strengths: Creativity (very surprising), Open-Mindedness, Perspective, Persistence, Integrity, Kindness, Citizenship, Leadership, Forgiveness, Humility and Self-Regulation. I'm amazing, right? Well, wait until you see my weaknesses....
Traits which Occasionally show themselves: Curiosity, Bravery, Vitality, Humor/Playfulness, Spirituality
and last and least, traits which Never or Rarely show themselves: Appreciation of Beauty, Hope
Well, where do I start....
I don't think I believe the rarely or never showed traits. Not true. You love and appreciate your family and you are happy and alive, so that is hopeful according to me!
I was also surprised at the beauty one. I think you definitely appreciate it and create it!
Myles and I were planning on watching the forum together online, but they could only show it live for licensing purposes. We did watch a different one of his seminars, though,and really enjoyed it. I really agree with his philosophy of helping people be happy, not just not unhappy.
I could see you making a great difference in this field!
I think it would be fun to take some of his tests, too.
How funny. The verification word is my cousin's last name.
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