"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
I went to the library this morning ALL BY MYSELF. No kids in toe playing hide-n-go-seek between the racks, NOT using library voices, convinced the catalog computers are for playing on, collecting the mini pencils because they're so cute, etc. It was sweet luxery. The only problem is I came home with a mixed bouquet of fiction, in all seven books, and after reading the first page of every one, I still don't know which one to commit myself to first. O, what a beautiful predicament....
That would be wonderful. I love and hate the library at the same time. I don't know if that is possible, but I do. My girls are usually only good if I pick out a book for myself in about five seconds. Not fair! ;) I hope are able to have some indulgent reading :)
P.S. Babysitting stinks, but it is some money, eh?
Looks like my desk, but a mix of sociology books and spanish books... bought from the BYU bookstore. Hey thanks for helping me the other night, I did it, not easy but I think I will feel better soon!! Love ya
I'm jealous. Going to the library by myself was one of my recent wishes!
I noticed The Road in your stack. I just finished reading that one. It was pretty intense, but good. Interesting writing style. If you want to read some of your other ones, you could borrow my copy and wouldn't have to worry about finishing it by the due date.
I remember seeing a lower review of the knitting one on one of my friend's Good Read's reviews, but haven't read it myself.
just finished the road and loved it!! i hear they are already making the movie...
i've only read the road and the alvarez one. both of those were very good. as i recall, they're both uppers and downers in certain ways. once you read one of those, we could chat about it...
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