"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)
So, my Mom, bless her heart, took Eleanor shopping and actually conceded to her every whim. Look at that atrocious ensemble! I hate it, but even worse, I hate the feeling that my creative control and influence as a mother is slipping away and she's only 7-yrs-old! She wants to wear skull and bones and Nick Jonas on her clothes like the neighbor girls. Aahhhhh! Mark says I should surrender the battle, let it go, he says. But it's a reflection of me, I counter, and it's in bad taste, bad, bad, bad. Honey, at least the Demi Lavato shirt is modest, the all-wise father advises. Ugh. I wonder if my parents hated those high-top rainbow Converse or jelly bracelets I had when I was 15, or those baggy jeans in the 90s....
She'll out grow the fashion victim stage. My sister Jamie went through it and is much better now and my sister JoAnn is still there but at the tail end. It won't last forever. And when she gets old enough tell if she wants that kind of stuff then she better get a job and pay for it. It will be alright.
Love everything about this post... especially the outfit! Eleanor is the best!
well i know a lot of my parents didn't like some of the clothes i wore. but one thing that i really appreciate about my parents is that they let me wear whatever i wanted. of course, i never picked super crazy clothes...
whatever! I've totally seen you in that outfit.
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