"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

As Good As It Gets

It was lovely, really. Even with the medical intervention, the pain, the necessary unpleasantness, it was lovely. My best delivery yet, textbook in the best of ways. Although I don't remember saying it myself, Mark says that immediately following his arrival I exclaimed to the doctor and nurses, with happy, happy tears wet on my face, "That was awesome." I've never, ever used that particular adjective to describe any of my deliveries, but only three pushes and what the doctor promised to be an easy recovery is pretty awesome.
And so it all begins....
Date of Birth: Monday, April 5th
Time of Birth: 1:29 PM
Total duration of pregnancy: 41 weeks and 3 days
Total duration of labor: 5 1/2 hours
Weight: 9 lbs 9 oz
Height: 21 inches


Strawberry Shortcake said...


He is beautiful and you look amazing! What a wonderful new addition to your already gorgeous family :) I am so happy for you, Mark, and the girls. Welcome little one! :)

kto1s said...

So happy for all SIX of you!

Kate said...

YAY, Ann, YAY!! Congratulations! And welcome to the world, young Purves!

XOXO, Kate

Christie said...

Yeah! I'm so happy for you. Glad he's here safe and sound. So cute. Can't wait to meet him.

Ashley said...

Oh, and he is so, so cute. Congratulations. I am so happy things went well!!! No cussing or day-long labors :)

'Cole said...

Ann, what is this wonder child's *name*??? Congratulations to you all! Looking forward to hearing the big sisters' reactions.

Melin said...

HURRAY!!!!!!!! I feel so much better knowing pregnancy is over for you! and he is a doll and you will love him and I am glad the delivery went awesome...

Jordan said...

Three girls and THE BOY!! Congratulations! Happy happy that it was "awesome". And so it begins...

Amanda said...

Wonderful news! I'm so glad that everything went so well for you this time. What a handsome little man. I can't wait to meet him. :) Congrats again!

BP said...

Owen said, "I like your new baby. I hope he likes Star Wars when he gets older." - Owen Pickett

BP said...

Great picture. I want to see more. So glad the labor went well and quickly. You deserved it. I hear Mark is already bragging about his "hammer". Spoken like a proud father. Love you guys.

JWD said...

Welcome baby boy...Declan...as the new Purves addition; was well as the word "awesome" in reference to the easy birth experience, child & "awesome"eternal family!

Jen said...

So beautiful. Both of you. Congratulations!!!

Christina said...

Ann, I'm so happy for you. I've been thinking about you every day; but not so good at checking in on the blogs lately. Congratulations! He's beautiful.

o charm said...

oh, ann, you're both beautiful!!
i'm elated for all of you, and especially that you had such a good experience. oddly enough almost exactly like mine! labor, size, everything. must be something about those little brothers!! mine can't get any space either.
sounds like you are doing wonderfully, all of you!!!

Holly said...

Ann, you look so lovely! And I'm missing my newborn. Five months is fun, but newborns are just sweet. I hope all is going well, and everyone is adjusting.

And if you ever want to throw your girls out of the house, send them over to mine!

GOT WOOD said...

Congratulations Ann! he is a handsome boy!

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