"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Baby Boy Purves"


Well, we couldn't call him that forever, so Mark and I took over the nurses' white board and went to work. It was hard, grueling work, like trying to choose your favorite Haagen-Dazs flavor but with so much more at stake. In the end, I was still lost and undecided, so I had to rely on Mark's confidence and hope for the best.

The contenders:
Findlay James
Frank Anton
Dawson George

And the winner:
Declan Christopher

meaning: Full of Goodness
and Christopher is Mark's brother, whom we both adore and just happened to have a boy of his own the day after


Rain in My Head said...

Oh congrats congrats!!! What a cute little fellow he is!! lots 'o love to you and Declan.

Emily said...

Love the name! And he is adorable!!!! Keep up with the pictures...especially now that you will have alot of free time :)

Amanda said...

Love it! I really love all the name choices... how did you choose? I think we will have the same problem (having to figure it out at the hospital). I love the pictures! He is so adorable!

'Cole said...

Tell Mark I said well-done in naming his son. Did the girls get a vote ... ???

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