"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)

Monday, April 12, 2010


"Girls, he needs space."
They've already heard it a hundred times, but maybe it's not a fair request. It's like trying to keep bees away from a summer picnic. They adore him. They're fascinated by every little thing he does: the yawning, sneezing, crying, pooping, eating are all momentous and glorious. They fight over him. They want to change his diapers, get his bottles, pick out his clothes, fix his hair. They're already planning his first bath, his first words, who's going to teach him how to tie his shoes, whether or not he'll be annoying when he's twelve. It looks like it's too late to ask for space. They're smitten. Maybe I just want him to myself....

1 comment:

Strawberry Shortcake said...

I never knew you could be smothered to death without dying until I had my third and fourth. They are helpful to a fault, but you've got to love it. What a sweet boy and what sweet girls. Sorry your girls are having a tough time. It will work itself out once he gets a little older... but before he starts getting into their stuff :)

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