"There's just no accounting for happiness, or the way it turns up like a prodigal who comes back to the dust at your feet having squandered a fortune far away." (Jane Kenyon)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

To induce or Not to be induced?

That magic date, the due date you depend on to relieve and reward came and went six days ago. It always does. I was nearly two weeks late with all my girls--why would this one have been any different?
I've been drinking my weight in raspberry leaf tea (it's supposed to ready the stubborn cervix) and walking wherever and and whenever I can, and trying to be patient and remember that it's usually easier when they are inside anyway. But then the emotional strain of waiting and not knowing interrupts the calm, not to mention I've had it up to HERE with wetting my pants, throwing up anything I eat, the back pain, the acid, the pressure, the fatigue.
I saw the Dr. this morning, and afterward, I walked in the house and collapsed in Mark's arms, sobbing. I'm still barely dilated or effaced. The Dr. is leery of waiting much longer, and set an induction date for Monday morning (that will be 9 days "late.") I'm terrified of being induced. It's never fared well for me. After waiting the maximum allowed time after my water broke with both Eleanor and Charlotte (12-14 hours), I had to be tubed up with Pitocin, only to have contractions with no dilation. I was close to a C-section with both.
Maybe that's why I've had no control of my tear ducts today. I'm scared. I don't want it like this. What if my body just isn't ready and we force the issue with an inducement? But then again, I usually have to be induced anyway, even with the midwives and my water breaking on its own, and I've known plenty of ladies who love this option.
It's so hard to know and now that we're here, at the end, I don't know if my Dr. will even let me wait. Any words of advice? Encouragement? Testimonials?
My babies just never want to come out. Charlotte says he's scared. Maybe he is.


Kate said...

This is not a topic on which I can offer testimonials or advice, but I will say that I will be thinking about you and Baby Purves this weekend and wishing you a safe delivery that is as stress-free as possible! Loads of love from afar!


Jordan said...

Yes, I agreed with Kate. And also, i feel truly all we can ask is for them to *get here* pink and healthy and crying. Thinking of you.

'Cole said...

I like little Charlotte's idea. Maybe Baby is scared. It's been lovely and safe and warm in his little water balloon his whole life. Who knows what's on the other side???
I have faith in you Annie. I have faith that you will coax this little one out in the way that works best for you and him, and you and Mark and the girls will show him the world is wonderful. What a lucky little boy!

Christie said...

I'm sorry. I've agonized over the exact same thing. The one thing that brought me peace and calmness was a blessing.

You are amazing. This little guy is coming to such a wonderful family.

Hang in there!

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Amanda said...

Oh Ann. I'm sorry. I know how much that you just want him to come on his own. Prayers are being sent up for you and I like your friends idea of a blessing. That rarely hurts the situation :). Hopefully he and your body will decide that this weekend (before the induction) is the time to come! What a great Easter present that would be!

PS: I am LOVING the CD! Thanks!

Melin said...

is there anything to say to comfort an overdue woman? is that possible? I say just think about the post baby munchies where you have to ravenounsly eat everything! and think about that super great feeling of lying on the delivery table, all done and he's out and you're done and its all over...just think about that moment and get to it ANY way you can. My inductions all stunk too, and so did my labors and all 5 deliveries.

Did this comment help or make things worse?

Marci and Brian said...

I'm going to come out and say it- get induced. It may take longer but at least you'll feel the comfort of knowing it will be over soon. That's my two cents and you asked, right? Good luck and we love you.

Anna said...

я перехаживала с обеими дочерьми. главаное следить, чтобы самочувствие ребенка было хорошим и он не испытывал кислородного голодания. если с малышом все нормально, то можно ждать. я думаю, малыш не боится, а ему просто лень :) мужчины часто просто лежат на диване, пока их не пнуть :)

Strawberry Shortcake said...

I cannot give any advise here since I had c-sections, but I want to wish you the best of luck and know you will do great. I am excited to see pictures of your new little man :) Praying all goes well :)

Emily said...

Hi Annie,
I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow! Hang in there...you will have such relief when that cute little boy is here! I love you.

o charm said...

oh, ann, thinking of you and praying all goes well (or has gone well!) there's no way to tame the anxiety-- but i usually try to comfort myself with statistics, and say that usually, everything goes right!
i hope this has been the case with you. can't wait to hear the news, about that lucky little boy!!!

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